In putting the self-assessment together, we hope to help you and your family doctor decide what level of care might be best for your needs at this time. This can save you time waiting for treatment–we don’t want you to wait months to receive treatment, only to be told you were referred to the wrong level of care!
In the treatment of eating disorders, people can receive care either in an outpatient setting where they are seen weekly or in a more intensive setting where they are seen multiple times a week and are monitored more closely for medical stability. By completing this self-assessment, you will be given a recommendation for a level of care that is likely to be appropriate for you at this time. However, you and your doctor will have to make the final decision together.
The following self-assessment tool is designed for individuals 16 years of age and older. Please be advised that survey questions and criteria indicating a specific level of care recommendation are not suitable for use in pediatric populations. If you are under 16 years of age, please consult your primary care provider for guidance when seeking treatment for an eating disorder.
Level of care recommendations from the self-assessment do not replace clinical judgment. Please remember that eating disorder symptoms change - so if your symptoms change, your recommendation may also change. Once you are referred, you will be assessed by the eating disorder program, and they may have different recommendations.